Inverse problem for a system of second order differential
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Gyroscopic stabilization of circulatory systems.
Stability of second order linear systems.
W. Kliem & Chr. Pommer.
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Wolfhard Kliem, Alexei A. Mailybaev and Christian Pommer,
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Christian Pommer and Wolfhard Kliem,
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Christian Pommer and Wolfhard Kliem,
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Wolfhard Kliem and Christian Pommer,
Indefinite damping in mechanical systems and gyroscopic stabilization.
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Christian Pommer,
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Jacob Stoustrup, Christian Pommer and Wolfhard Kliem,
Stability of systems in second-order form based on structure
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Wolfhard Kliem and Christian Pommer,
A note on Circulatory Systems: Old and new results.
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Christian Pommer and Wolfhard Kliem,
Gyroscopic stabilization of a class of circulatory systems.
Z. angew. Math. Mech. 99 (3) , p. e201800096 (2019).